Why I like Psychology So Much

The main things that I like having discussions about are ones that involve psychology somehow. Like looking at whatever it is through this lens of psychoanalysis. That’s the main reason I created this blog really, because there’s only so much your friends want to hear until it starts crossing lines they just don’t want to cross.

The reason I like psychology so much is that it provides me with greater freedom by allowing me to understand more about myself, which in turn means understanding more about the world around me. And understanding the world is vital if you want to survive in it. Knowing people and their intentions and why they behave the way they do.

I used to be really depressed in the past. That’s when I started probing my mind for anwers because I didn’t want to rely on medication and counselling to solve my issues.

I hope this blog helps anyone who happens to find it. Because everybody should know about their minds and what going on deep inside.